Welcome to 5th Grade with Ms. Dantrassy!

A Letter To My Class

Below is a letter that I wrote in the beginning of my Master's program. I was able to look back on this letter and reflect on my previous views of teaching compared to my current views at the end of the program. It was very interesting reflecting on my previous views because they had stayed completely the same!

This showed me that I always had the same educational beliefs deep down. It is amazing to reflect on my views and teaching practices and I will always refer to this letter, during my teaching career, to remember why I originally loved teaching. You can read my letter below.

"Dear Class,

       I am here as your teacher because I want to be a part of each and every one of your lives. I want to provide you all with the tools you need and motivation to continue on your path way to success. I want you to know that I care so much about all of you already and am so excited to get to now everyone well.  I will challenge you in this class, but we will have fun too! Finally, I am here to be someone that you think of in your future, for having an impact on you in some way. I know you all can do great things and be great people. I am so incredibly excited for us to get started with what will be a great year!"


Contact Information:

Parents and students, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns throughout this school year.


school email and number will go here!!